Iklan Head

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

10 Makanan Terburuk Yang Pernah Anda Makan


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Ini spoiler nya agar mau baca. Ini bukan hoax, ini situs kredibel, bukan BBM BROADCAST yang biasanya hoax dan JUNKIES !!!

  1. SODA
    • and our soda habit has also been linked to an increased risk of certain cancers, premature aging and hormone disruption
    • Kok ya sek laku sih? Ini cara bunuh diri pelan-pelan yang efektif atau salah satu yang membuat rumah sakit ramai
  2. Artificial Sweeteners (Pemanis Buatan)
    • these sugar-free sweeteners may be significantly increasing your risk of health problems such as weight gain as well as metabolic syndrome, Type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease
    • Makanya gak usah neko-neko, gula alam adalah buatan yang Maha Kuasa, tidak ada gula yang lebih sempurnya
  3. Shelf-stable Condiments
    • There's a reason these foods can skip the refrigeration, and it's not because they're dried or fermented as shelf-stable foods of the past were; these condiments have been engineered not to deteriorate
    • GARIS BAWAHI “Engineered not to deteriorate”… Mending makan makanan beku dari freezer sudah 1 bulan kan? Ada alasan kenapa harus dibekukan, karena takut rusak. Daripada makan makanan yang tidak rusak kalau tidak dibekukan, tapi merusak tubuh. Silahkan pilih
  4. Swordfish -- and Some Tuna –> WOW ? SIAPA SANGKA
    • High levels of mercury in the fish we eat may harm the developing brain and nervous system of a fetus or young child because mercury is a neurotoxin
    • Sapa bilang makan ikan = sehat? Liat-liat ikannya.
  5. Processed Meat
    • …… has been found to increase your risk for cardiovascular diseases as well as certain cancers
    • Kanker !! Kanker !! Enak bukan segalanya !!
  6. Microwave Popcorn
    • Movie-theater popcorn may be bad for you because of the oils it's popped in and the butter on top, but at least making it doesn't cause "popcorn lung" -- don't laugh, that's a real disease. It's also known as bronchiolitis obliterans
    • Gara-gara nonton bioskop, makan ini? Mending ga nonton… eh, Mending engga makan popcorn ini
  7. Bagels
    • choose one made with 100 percent whole grains
    • Selain itu? Baca sendiri di artikelnya. Donut bergula? Apalagi… goodbye
  8. Stick Margarine
    • if your buttery spread can stand on its own, it's the fats that are making that happen…
      …. Stick margarine used to contain trans fats, also known as partially hydrogenated oils, and some brands still do (always read the ingredient label); trans fats are considered one of the worst -- if not the worst -- fats for you to eat
    • Masih bilang mentega enak? Ya jelas enak… Apa akibatnya? “raise your bad cholesterol levels (while lowering levels of good cholesterol)”
      Ibarat “sudah jatuh tertimpa tangga”
  9. Dairy
    • Whole-milk dairy products are packed full of saturated fats, which if you're keeping score are "bad" fats that are associated with high cholesterol level
      Additionally, in some studies, dairy has been linked to certain cancers, and increased pain for people with rheumatoid arthritis or migraines
    • Bahkan susu yang dibilang “sehat” juga bermasalah? ASI tetap yang terbaik !!
  10. Anything Deep Fried
    • One of the problems with eating deep-fat fried foods is that cooking foods at such high temperature may cause them to form toxic chemical compounds
    • MAKAN TUH RACUN !!! Oh Tidak…. ini makanan paling enak, kenapa harus begini? Bagaimana nasib para junk food? Ya sing makan Junk food lama-lama mati sendiri… Penjual junk foodnya hidup dan bertambah kaya. Happy Junk Food

Well.. maaf, dalam artikel ini cukup banyak sarcastic. Bagi yang tidak mengerti, langsung saja menuju sumbernya yang berbahasa Inggris.

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